George Heming sets up world's highest pub on Ben Nevis summit
A young Brit recently made history by setting up the highest pub in the UK!
YouTuber and environmental activist George Heming is known for his videos in which he takes on challenges and discovers unusual places, as well as for his organisation 100 Tons of Plastic which works to reduce the amount of plastic in the oceans. Accompanied by an expert guide, Heming and his friends made the 1,345-metre ascent to the summit of the UK's highest peak, Ben Nevis, with backpacks full of beer, which they served to fellow climbers from a makeshift shelter on the mountain's snow-covered peak.
The ascent took a total of four hours, with George and his companions setting off at 7 am. After reaching the summit and constructing their shelter, they were ready to serve thirsty punters by midday.
Despite the time of year, the peak of the Scottish mountains is often carpeted in snow and the lads and their fellow customers had to brave some frosty conditions, with temperatures as low as -5 degrees due to the wind chill!
However, hikers looking for a cold pint on the summit of Ben Nevis in future might not have such luck. The boys have no plans to recreate their record-beating 'pop-up' pub anytime soon, and due to its remote location, we can't imagine anyone else is planning to either!
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