A Picture Perfect Park Designed To Keep us Roaming Blissfully Whilst Respecting Social Distancing - BookitList

A Picture Perfect Park Designed To Keep us Roaming Blissfully Whilst Respecting Social Distancing

Studio Precht from Austria have come out with a beautiful and elegant solution to what a park could look like, that enforces social distancing.

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The whole world is alert to the social distancing measures that are being frantically urged by governments. It’s crucial to flatten the curve of the virus that people maintain a good distance from others. However we know we must maintain our physical health and exercise regularly to guard against other forms of ill health.

Fresh air is more than a token gimmick to make you feel better, it’s an essential part of human well being. In fact many Dr’s have turned to a more holistic approach in prescribing treatments for depression and anxiety and time in nature among the trees is often given as advice for people to help deal with mental health issues.

Due to this unique need of maintaining our health, getting out into nature all whilst keeping social distance, some very savvy designers from Studio Precht in Austria may have found the perfect solution.

Perhaps this is what post pandemic parks and recreational areas will look like in the near future.

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Appropriately labelled as the “Parc de la Distance,” the designers created a wonderful winding labyrinth that almost hypnotises when looked at from afar. It’s coiling paths could give citizens a private slice of nature, whilst maintaining the social distancing rules and avoiding unnecessary risk.

"Like a fingerprint, parallel lanes guide visitors through the undulating landscape. Every lane has a gateway on the entrance and exit, which indicates if the path is occupied or free to stroll. The lanes are distanced 240cm from each other and have a 90cm wide hedge as a division," explained the designer Chris Precht.

He also noted that a “reddish granite gravel” would be laid out to walk on which has a very subtle implication in feeling connected. Whilst you may not be able to see or touch others whilst walking the 600m (1,968) trail, you would be able to hear the crunch of their footsteps which could help in feeling like there was life beyond the hedges and help foster some small sense of community.

He also stated that “The height of the planters varies along this journey and gives different levels to the hedges throughout the park. Sometimes visitors are fully immersed by nature, other times they emerge over the hedge and can see across the garden. But at all times, they keep a safe physical distance to each other.”

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This elegant and socially responsible design could be one of many innovative creations that help our communities return to normality as soon as possible without adding the unnecessary risks of returning to complete normality too soon.

“[The park] offers something very unique for bustling urban areas: A brief time of solitude. A temporary seclusion from the public. A moment to think, to meditate or just to walk alone through nature.”

See more of Studio Precht's project on Instagram.

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