Go To Barcelona - BookitList

Go To Barcelona

Struggling to choose between beach, city or mountains? In Barcelona, you don’t have to.

About Barcelona

Struggling to choose between beach, city or mountains? In Barcelona, you don’t have to.

There are few cities in Europe, maybe even the world, where you could go for a mountain hike in the morning, see a cathedral over lunch and then lie on a white-sandy beach and watch the sun go down. In Barcelona, that’s a typical tourist day.

But that’s not all that Spain’s second-largest city has to offer. With world-class restaurants, art, architecture and enough late-night cocktail bars to keep you going for a month, you’ll love getting lost in this city’s labyrinthine streets.

Why Go To Barcelona


In short – the food. The diet of Mediterranean people is one of the healthiest in the world (apparently), but don’t take our word for it – come and try it for yourself. With tapas the go-to style, you’ll see small portions of exquisitely cooked meat, fish and vegetables everywhere.

That means it doesn’t have to be expensive either as you’ll find tasty dishes in the back-street bars as well as the high-end restaurants. In some places, they’ll even include a bowl of something when you buy a round of beers.

When Is The Best Time To Visit?

Like many European cities, the best times to visit are late spring to early summer and the autumn. Temperatures do peak in August as do the other tourists.

You could even risk a visit in the winter, but with the Collserola mountains nearby, it will get cold.

Our Pick

Barcelona Sunset Sailing

Check out Barcelona’s sublime sunset from the sea with this two-hour excursion. The tour is accompanied with fine wines and champagne from across the Catalan region.

From £41.65
booknowbook now

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